Amersham CyDye DIGE Fluor 荧光染料试剂盒
CyDye-DIGE 荧光微量染料和饱和染料是一种分子量和电荷匹配的荧光染料,专门用于用 Ettan-DIGE 系统检测二维荧光差异凝胶电泳中蛋白质丰度的差异。
CyDye-DIGE 荧光微量染料和饱和染料是一种分子量和电荷匹配的荧光染料,专门用于用 Ettan-DIGE 系统检测二维荧光差异凝胶电泳中蛋白质丰度的差异。
- Allow detection of up to three prelabeled protein samples and standards on the same 2-D electrophoresis gel.
- Size- and charge-matched dyes enable co-migration of labeled samples within the gel.
- Bright and highly sensitive dyes allow the use of the minimal labeling technique.
- Minimal loss of signal during labeling, separation, and scanning.
- No change in signal over wide pH range used during first-dimension (IEF) separation.
- Discrete signal from each fluor with minimal cross-talk contributes to high accuracy.
CyDye DIGE fluors 可作为最小标记和饱和标记染料使用。最小标记染料在一般的 2-D 应用中可满足常规样本量实验。稀缺样本标记试剂盒中的饱和染料设计用于仅可获得少量样本的应用,例如激光捕获显微切割实验获得的样本。共有三种最小标记荧光染料和两种饱和染料可用。