ÄKTA ready XL
ÄKTA ready XL
Application | Manufacturing |
Compliance | The product fulfills valid directives and standards when used within the conditions specified in the user manual. The product must also be used in the same state as it was delivered from Cytiva and connected only to other CE labeled Cytiva modules or other products as recommended. For regulatory details please see declaration of conformity. |
Depth | 1150 mm |
Height | 1950 mm |
Operating pressure max. | 4 bar |
Protection class | IP55 |
Weight | 745 kg |
Wetted Part | Yes |
Width | 1280 mm |
ÄKTA ready XL 一次性层析系统,设计用于规模化生产
- 紧凑型设计,容量大。
- 灵活性高,支持在多产品设施中使用。
- 高可靠性,适用于 GMP 生产。
为了满足一次性上游工艺(2000L高表达量收获液)的纯化能力需求,AKTA ready XL使用涵盖45-3500L/h的宽流速范围两种一次性流路组件来匹配大型层析柱(最大直径1200mm)。该一次性流路最大限度地减少了对清洁和清洁验证的需要,从而可以在不同产品之间进行快速转换,同时消除了交叉污染风险。 ÄKTA ready XL 提供在受 GMP 约束的环境中使用所要求的精度和所有文档。