
PreDictor™ MabSelect™ VL filter plates

MabSelect™ VL protein L resin prefilled in 96-well filter plates for affinity capture of antibody variants containing a kappa light chain.

MabSelect™ VL protein L resin in PreDictor™ 96-well filter plates with a redesigned protein L ligand. For capture of antibody Fabs, bispecifics, and other variants containing a kappa light chain with high binding capacity and improved alkaline stability.

  • Supports high-throughput process development (HTPD) by allowing parallel screening of chromatographic conditions using a 96-well plate format.
  • Allows fast and efficient evaluation of resins and conditions during binding, wash, and elution.
  • Each well is prefilled with a defined amount of MabSelect™ VL protein L chromatography resin.
  • High dynamic binding capacity for efficient capture of target molecules.

Built for a diversifying pipeline

As the diversity of antibody variants increases, so does the need for chromatography resins that can capture and purify these variants. As an alternative to protein A, protein L resin can be used to capture antibody Fabs, bispecific antibodies, and other molecules containing kappa variants of the variable light (VL) chain. Protein L binds human kappa light chain subtypes 1, 3, and 4 and mouse kappa light chain subtype 1.

Redesigned protein L ligand

MabSelect™ VL protein L resin showed a two-fold increase in binding capacity compared to our Capto™ L chromatography resin. This higher capacity provides productivity advantages in research and biomanufacturing.

The MabSelect™ VL protein L resin can withstand cleaning with 0.1 M NaOH, thanks to multimerization and modification of one of the domains of the native protein L ligand.

MabSelect™ VL protein L resin is also available in 1 mL and 5 mL HiTrap™ prepacked columns for use in research applicationsHiScreen™ columns and PreDictor™ RoboColumn® minicolumns for convenient method optimization and parameter screening in process development as well as in bulk resins and ReadyToProcess™ columns in different sizes. Contact your Cytiva sales representative for more information.

Learn how to purify bispecific antibodies using MabSelect™ VL protein L resin and how MabSelect™ VL protein L resin offer increased binding capacities versus other protein L resins.



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