疏水性玻璃纤维 (GF) 片状和卷状介质适合需要排气材料、低压差且不易被水溶性试剂润湿的 OEM 设备。
- Each grade consists of a glass fiber matrix and a high-performance binder cast on a cellulose or woven glass fabric support layer.
- These materials are post-treated with a patented process rendering them both hydrophobic and oleophobic.
- Hydrophobic GF media are designed to serve as a liquid barrier against aqueous and lipid solutions.
- The glass fiber media types block airborne contaminants from entering closed device systems requiring a vent with low differential pressures.
- These materials are compatible with the following sealing methods: mechanical, heat, and insert molding. If radio frequency or ultrasonic sealing methods is preferred, consider other products such as the Versapor RC or Emflon PTFE membranes.