
PlateletFree C-Pro 配套程序软件

PlateletFree C-Pro 配套程序软件
PlateletFree C-Pro 是 Sepax C-Pro 配套程序软件,可自动减少体积,通过洗涤去除血小板。

PlateletFree C-Pro 配套程序软件

系统 Sepax C-Pro
SKU: 29329538 分类: ,
通过离心处理可有效去除新鲜单采血样品中的血小板。可处理的初始体积最大可达 880 mL,必要时可自动减小体积。选择和自定义血小板洗涤去除循环次数,即可获得符合您需求的最终产品。
  • Achieve a functionally closed system. Use protocol software with Sepax C-Pro instrument and CT-60.1 kit.
  • Effectively deplete platelets from apheresis units. Select 1 to 4 cycles and adapt parameters to fit your needs.
  • Simplify volume management, performing volume reduction when necessary. Can process initial volumes from 50 to 880 mL.
  • Select a final volume to fit requirements for the next processing steps. Choose from 50 to 200 mL.