ULTA Prime GF and ULTA Pure HC single use capsule assemblies
Glass microfiber and optimized polyethersulfone single use capsule assemblies suitable for difficult to filter solutions and sterile filtration.
Glass microfiber and optimized polyethersulfone single use capsule assemblies suitable for difficult to filter solutions and sterile filtration.
- Normal flow filter (NFF) capsules and ReadyMate single use aseptic connectors are pre-configured into ReadyCircuit filter assemblies to interconnect with a variety of ReadyCircuit process components.
- NFF capsule assemblies are provided gamma-irradiated with a Certificate of Quality.
Huge range of scales and applications
ReadyFilter normal flow capsules are single-use filter assemblies designed for laboratory- through process-scale applications. Depending upon the size, volume capability ranges from a few milliliters to thousands of liters of solution.