
Whatman™ 850-DS PTFE 8-channel filter plates, non-sterile

Disposable PTFE filter plates for use with Agilent™ 850-DS Dissolution Sampling Station

Whatman 850-DS 8-channel Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) non-sterile filter plate is a disposable plate for use in the Agilent™ 850-DS Dissolution Sampling Station, used for automated sample preparation in dissolution testing.


Automated dissolution sample preparation for increased productivity

The filter plates are exclusively designed for use with the optional filter module on the Agilent 850-DS Dissolution Sampling Station to simplify filter replacement between timepoints. Reliable alignment of the liquid path increases productivity in two ways. One, by reducing the risk of jamming, and two, by reducing leaks that may occur with manual sampling or other dissolution sample preparation systems.

Save time and eliminate errors associated with manual sampling. Use Whatman 850-DS 8-channel filter plates in your Agilent 850-DS Dissolution Sampling Station.

  • Automated processing: up to 8 samples simultaneously
  • Readily available: in a wide range of pore sizes and materials

Whatman 850-DS 8-channel filter plates have been developed in conjunction with Agilent.

This product is recyclable. Learn how you can recycle it.

在Biacore X100中编辑一个带溶剂校正的小分子亲和力实验

课程分类:线上产品课程, 线上应用课程 – 非标记分子相互作用, 生物分子成像蛋白质研究
