Xampler 超滤中空纤维滤器
- Low flow rate requirements allow the use of smaller pumps.
- Polysulfone membrane minimizes nonspecific protein binding and provides high product recovery.
- Membrane areas from 110 to 1400 cm² (17 to 216 inch²) to suit specific processing needs.
- Offered with tri-clamp end fittings for quick and easy aseptic connection.
- Autoclavable devices (with the exception of 1000 NMWC) address the need for small-volume sanitary processing.
- Hollow fiber filter technology from Cytiva provides exceptional performance due to a proprietary manufacturing process that minimizes macrovoids and pinhole defects.
切向流过滤 (CFF) 又称切向流过滤 (TFF),是一种用于浓缩、洗滤(缓冲液更换和脱盐)和分离生物分子的快速高效的技术。Xampler 超滤滤筒专为实验室规模的处理而设计,其标准的溶液容积在数百毫升到约 5 升之间。